Stop SHOULDING Yourself!
You should lose weight… You shouldn’t wear that … You should be doing more… you should get a real job.
These are all the shoulds I have told myself. And in hindsight, it’s EXHAUSTING. Fortunately, I no longer have this mindset and it’s the most freeing feeling ever!
I have partnered with Halo Top Creamery to remind everyone to #StopShouldingYourself. Yes, you read that right! One main thing I push on ALL my platforms is to change the way you speak to yourself. For years, I put myself down. I was telling myself what I should do rather than focusing on what I CAN do. When you start shoulding yourself, negative feelings arise and bring on A LOT of self-doubt. What can you really do with self-doubt besides feeling stressed and anxious? Not much! So be nicer to yourself. Focus on the good stuff and I promise you, you will feel much better about yourself.
I always told myself that I SHOULD lose weight and I SHOULDN’T wear that crop top or bikini. But the truth is I am the happiest I have ever been even at my largest size AND if I want to wear that crop top or bikini I AM GOING TO WEAR IT because I can and I know I will look cute! All my “should’s” came from society norms. I have been telling myself what I should do based on what others think. However, I am living for me and doing what makes me happy.
My self confidence did not come overnight. Till this day I’m still working on being the best version of myself. However letting go of all the things I should or should not be doing has changed my life. I am living in the moment and embracing my journey. I am a plus size model, who loves her body and wears whatever she wants and works really hard. I am happy.
So enjoy the things that bring you happiness and do not feel sorry for none of it! Like this Halo Top Ice Cream. Agh, it is so good!